Ádám Kőrösi
Research topics
- Population structure and habitat use of large blue butterflies
This topic constituted the main part of my PhD. I was particularly interested if Maculinea populations can fit into any distinct category regarding their population spatial structure. I analyzed mark-recapture datasets of local populations to characterize the microdistribution and within-habitat movement of butterflies. We have recently analyzed 9 mark-recapture datasets of M. arion from all over Europe (see publications). Currently I'm working on a comprehensive analysis of several mark-recapture datasets on Maculinea butterflies from Hungary. I aim to identify the most influential environmental factors that affect the demography of these endangered species. Moreover, we conducted a management experiment on wet meadows to study the effects of mowing on populations of the scarce large blue (Maculinea teleius), its host plant and host ants, and plant diversity (Kőrösi et al. 2014; Szépligeti et al. in press).
- Pollination and other ecosystem services
I am involved in a project that aimed to reveal the effects of landscape heterogeneity and climate-induced phenological mismatches on pollination and biological control in apple orchards (see Földesi et al. 2016 & several ms in the pipeline).
- Resource ecology of butterflies
We collect detailed observations on the flower-visiting behaviour of clouded Apollo butterflies (Parnassius mnemosyne) and test field methods for estimating floral resource availability (Szigeti et al. 2016; Szigeti et al. in press). We are particularly interested in individual specialization and temporal change in resource-use (work in progress).
- Sexual conflict in the clouded Apollo butterfly
The clouded Apollo butterfly (Parnassius mnemosyne) has a special mating behaviour as males create a 'sphragis' on females' genitalia after mating to prevent them from further matings. Our work involves the testing of several hypotheses on costs and benefits of sphragis-making for both males and females by field observations and experiments.
- Movement pattern analysis of butterflies
By analysing movement trajectories of individual butterflies we showed that female Maculinea alcon butterflies have unexpectedly small home ranges (Kőrösi et al. 2008). As a guest at the University of Würzburg, I have been recently involved in preliminary experiments that aimed to develop new methods for the observation and analysis of butterfly movement under semi-natural conditions.
- Community structure of butterflies
I am also involved in studies that aim to reveal how elevation and other environmental variables affect the species richness and composition of butterfly assemblages in the Western Himalaya and in the Nimba Mts. in Liberia (W Africa).
List of publications
- Osváth-Ferencz M, Bonelli S, Nowicki P, Peregovits L, Rákosy L, Sielezniew M, Kosto-Ambroziak A, Dziekanska I, Kőrösi Á (in press) Population demography of the endangered large blue butterfly Maculinea arion in Europe. Journal of Insect Conservation doi:10.1007/s10841-016-9944-0
- Szépligeti M, Kőrösi Á, Házi J, Szentirmai I, Bartha D, Bartha S (in press) Evaluating alternative mowing regimes for conservation management of Central European mesic hay meadows: a field experiment. Plant Biosystems doi:10.1080/11263504.2016.1255268
- Szigeti V, Kőrösi Á, Harnos A, Nagy J, Kis J (in press) Comparing two methods for estimating floral resource availability for insect pollinators. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France doi: 10.1080/00379271.2016.1261003
- Szigeti V, Kőrösi Á, Harnos A, Nagy J, Kis J (2016) Measuring floral resource availability for insect pollinators in temperate grasslands: a review. Ecological Entomolgy 41(3): 231–240.
- Földesi R, Kovács‐Hostyánszki A, Kőrösi Á, Somay L, Elek Z, Markó V, Sárospataki M, Bakos R, Varga Á, Nyisztor K, Báldi A (2016) Relationships between wild bees, hoverflies and pollination success in apple orchards with different landscape contexts. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 18: 68-75.
- Kőrösi Á, Szentirmai I, Batáry P, Kövér S, Örvössy N, Peregovits L (2014) Effects of timing and frequency of mowing on the threatened scarce large blue butterfly - a fine-scale experiment. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 196: 24-33.
- Szentirmai I, Mesterházy A, Varga I, Schubert Z, Sándor LC, Ábrahám L, Kőrösi Á (2014) Habitat use and population biology of the Danube Clouded Yellow butterfly Colias myrmidone (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in Romania. Journal of Insect Conservation 18: 417-425.
- Fuisz TI, Vas Z, Túri K, Kőrösi Á (2013) Photographic survey of the prey-choice of European Bee-eaters (Merops apiaster Linnaeus, 1758) in Hungary at three colonies. Ornis Hungarica 21: 38-46.
- Örvössy N, Kőrösi Á, Batáry P, Peregovits L (2013) Potential metapopulation structure and the effects of habitat quality on population size of the endangered False Ringlet butterfly. Journal of Insect Conservation 17: 537-547.
- Lakos A, Kőrösi Á, Földvári G (2012) Contact with horses is a risk factor for tick-borne lymphadenopathy (TIBOLA) - a case control study. Wiener Klinische Wochenschrift 124: 611-617.
- Kőrösi Á, Örvössy N, Batáry P, Harnos A, Peregovits L (2012) Different habitat selection by two sympatric Maculinea butterflies at small spatial scale. Insect Conservation and Diversity 5: 118-126.
- Kőrösi Á, Batáry P, Orosz A, Rédei D, Báldi A (2012) Effects of grazing, vegetation structure and landscape complexity on grassland leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) and true bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) in Hungary. Insect Conservation and Diversity 5: 57-66.
- Kovács-Hostyánszki A, Kőrösi Á, Orci KM, Batáry P, Báldi A (2011) Set-aside promotes insect and plant diversity in a Central European country. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 141: 296-301.
- Örvössy N, Vozár Á, Kőrösi Á, Batáry P, Peregovits L (2010) Structure and size of a threatened population of the False Ringlet Coenonympha oedippus (FABRICIUS, 1787) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Hungary. Oedippus 26: 31-37.
- Batáry P, Kőrösi Á, Örvössy N, Kövér S & Peregovits L (2009) Species-specific distribution of two sympatric Maculinea butterflies across different meadow edges. Journal of Insect Conservation 13: 223-230.
- Kőrösi Á, Örvössy N, Batáry P, Kövér S & Peregovits L (2008) Restricted within-habitat movement and time constrained egg-laying of female Maculinea rebeli butterflies. Oecologia 156: 455-465.
- Batáry P, Örvössy N, Kőrösi Á & Peregovits L (2008) Egg distribution of the southern festoon (Zerynthia polyxena) (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 54: 401-410.
- Batáry P, Örvössy N, Kőrösi Á, Vályi Nagy M & Peregovits L (2007) Microhabitat preferences of Maculinea teleius (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in a mosaic landscape. European Journal of Entomology 104: 731-736.
- 2012- research fellow, MTA-ELTE-MTM Ecology Research Group
- 2010: PhD in biology, University of Debrecen
- 2007-2011 research associate, HAS-HNHM Animal Ecology Research Group
- 2003-2007: museologist, Collection of Lepidoptera in the Hungarian Natural History Museum (HNHM)
- 2003: M.Sc. in applied zoology, Szent István University, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences
- In movement analyses I cooperate with Achim Poethke, Thomas Hovestadt and Oliver Mitesser at the University of Würzburg, Germany.
- I work on the behavioural ecological studies jointly with János Kis from Biological Institute of Szent István University, Budapest, Hungary.
- Andrea Harnos and her research group at the Szent István University are often involved in the statisical analyses and modelling.
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